At Fion Beauty, we strive to provide you with all necessary training and education for a successful business. We offer training on most of our machines and equipment, skin care lines, new modalities and trends in the business, etc.

Please, check the list below for a class/training of your interest. If you have any questions, or suggestions for future training topics, not included here, please, contact us.


. The Integumentary System code E-C6

This certificate class provides you with knowledge on the following topics

-   Skin Anatomy and Physiology

-   Skin Glands

-   Skin Types and Conditions

. Electricity in Esthetics - THE NON-SURGICAL FACE LIFTING MACHINE - code E-C7

This 1-day class refreshes on your Electricity in Esthetics knowledge - High frequency and galvanic machines and applications.

The second half of the class is dedicated to the non-surgical face lifting machine

. Thermoceutical Coral Calcium Peel - code E-C11

This class teaches light to medium peeling with FCR Coral peel - indications and contraindications, procedure and peel intensities; after care and product knowledge.


. Thermoceutical Fruit Acid Peels - check code E-C12

Certificate class on Fruit Acid peels addressing skin conditions, such as oily and acneic skin, hyperpigmentation, and aging skin - Product line is KFDA approved. Certification fee can be redeemed with relevant order


. Eyelash and Eyebrow Tinting - code E-C2

This class teaches you tinting applications on eyelashes and eyebrows - techniques, consultations and contraindications - 1 day certificate class.


. Eyelash Perming - code E-C1

This is a 1-day class, teaching the perming procedure for eyelashes, maintenance and contraindications.


. Micro Needle for Eyebrows - Semi Permanent - code - E-C4


. Micro Needle for Scalp - code E-C5


. Micro Blade for Eyebrows- code E-C3


. Classic Eyelash Extension Course - code E-C8

1-day eyelash extension class, providing the basics of the procedure

Practice kit is included

Upon finishing, you can advance to 'Volume Eyelash Extension Class'

. Volume Eyelash Extension Class- code E-C9

This class continues in further details the eyelash extension procedures and techniques. It follows the Classic Eyelash Extension class, which is a prerequisite 
Classes are small with 'hands-on' practice